Royal Desmodium Provides Superior Relief of Minor and Occasional Back Pain by Taking Muscles Out of Spasm

Desmodium (Desmodium adscendens), a rainforest plant native to Peru, Jamaica, Central America, and West Africa is also called “Strong Back Herb” in Jamaica for its ability to relieve back pain and neck pain. Royal Desmodium™ takes all muscles out of spasm – including the smooth muscles of the lungs (useful in asthma attacks) and the […]

Can You Take Royal Maca in Combination With Birth Control Pills?

Below is a recent exchange between one of our customers (Denise) and our co-founder, Dr. Viana Muller. Denise wanted to know if she could safely take Royal Maca ® with the birth control pills her doctor prescribed her. Please take particular note of Dr. Muller’s last response in the exchange. Hello, I am 41 almost […]

Have You Heard of Desmodium?

The year 2020 changed the ways many of us work. Millions of us sit at our own desks in front of screens connected to our employer via the Internet. By 2025, estimates say 36.2 million Americans in the workforce will be working remotely.1 If you are one of those millions, like I am, you know that after just a few hours of working, eyes get strained and muscles can tense up. A larger screen helped my eyes, but regularly standing to stretch did not give lasting relief to my aching muscles. It’s common knowledge that frequent and long-term use of muscle relaxants and pain killers can damage the stomach and liver, not to mention that thousands of deaths in America each year are caused by their side effects. I needed something safe and effective to help me work more comfortably. I found a solution in Royal Desmodium™. Within 10 minutes of taking this supplement, I will audibly sigh as the tension leaves my muscles! It’s a wonderful physical feeling that lasts a good long time for me. If you or someone you know would like to experience that, read on…

Thyroid Awareness

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and we invited guest blogger Mary Shomon – a patient advocate and New York Times bestselling author of 15 books on hormonal health – to share her thoughts about the health benefits of Maca for thyroid patients.

A Holiday Message for 2021

Viana Muller and Elena Rojas-Martinez, Co-founders, and the entire staff of Whole World Botanicals, wish you a blessed holiday season and a new year filled with abundant health and prosperity.