Entries by Whole World Botanicals

A Holiday Message for 2023

We have chosen the king of the Peruvian rainforest as the vehicle for our holiday message—the Yanapuma, or Black Jaguar—who adorns the front cover of a new book of poetry, Poems by Elena de Nazca. This unique book of magnificent poems is by Elena Rojas Martinez, a cofounder of Whole World Botanicals.

Back to School. Back to Work. Back to Normal?

This fall, most students have left online classes behind, and have returned back to school. Meanwhile, more and more employees are being asked to ditch the Zoom meetings and get back to work – in person – at their offices and workplaces.

But even as we’re increasingly back to school and back to work, are we truly back to normal?

Facts About DIM and Men’s Health

Several classes of chemical compounds that naturally occur in fruits and vegetables possess anticarcinogenic properties. The cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and broccoli are particularly rich sources of such compounds, including Indole derivatives [indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and indole-3-acetonitrile], dithilthiones, and isothiocyanates. Increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with reduced tumor incidents in humans and experimental […]

Thyroid Awareness

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and we invited guest blogger Mary Shomon – a patient advocate and New York Times bestselling author of 15 books on hormonal health – to share her thoughts about the health benefits of Maca for thyroid patients.

A Holiday Message for 2021

Viana Muller and Elena Rojas-Martinez, Co-founders, and the entire staff of Whole World Botanicals, wish you a blessed holiday season and a new year filled with abundant health and prosperity.

Cold and Flu have nothing on you with Royal Camu!

Strengthening your immune system is essential in weathering the winter and is an even bigger priority now, as we’re facing the triple threat of colds, flu, and other viruses. As if this year needed any more drama, contracting one illness could potentially leave us vulnerable to catching others.

We’re in the middle of an invisible battle and it’s critical to level-up a defensive strategy. By being proactive and following a consistent plan we can ensure our front-line soldiers (our immune cells) are well-nourished and can go the distance.

While hot soups, citrus fruits, or synthetic Vitamin C are some of the most common go-to’s, there is a holistic, formidable ally you may not be aware of Camu Camu.