My Second Love: Royal Camu

A serious health challenge led to my co-founding Whole World Botanicals. Before that, I had little understanding of the importance of Vitamin C in the functioning of the human body. I had taken synthetic ascorbic acid when I had a sore throat but never felt any dramatic change after taking the tablets.

Cat’s Claw: Nature’s Medicine Cabinet, Part 2

When I’m not feeling well, it’s often a sore throat, a headache, a feeling of discomfort in the gut, or a mix of low energy and mental malaise. Others might have aches or a touch of arthritic pain. But these vague and common symptoms are not likely to send me – or you – running to a doctor, because doctors often just stare blankly, order various tests, and, when the test results come back, end up saying “everything is fine.” That’s why my first response is often to turn to Cat’s Claw.

Cat’s Claw: Nature’s Medicine Cabinet, Part 1

When I’m not feeling well, it’s often a sore throat, a headache, a feeling of discomfort in the gut, or a mix of low energy and mental malaise. Others might have aches or a touch of arthritic pain. But these vague and common symptoms are not likely to send me – or you – running to a doctor, because doctors often just stare blankly, order various tests, and, when the test results come back, end up saying “everything is fine.” That’s why my first response is often to turn to Cat’s Claw.

Peruvian Botanicals: The Secret to a Healthy Weight

I’m the first to admit that although I eat a mostly organic diet, avoid bread, and haven’t eaten four-legged animals in more than 40 years, I am not a poster child for healthy eating. I love ice cream, carrot cake, macaroni and cheese, and rich lemon tarts from our local French bakery. (And don’t get me started on pizza!) I’m usually successful at pulling back from these delicious foods, but not always! They are, after all, some of life’s most delightful pleasures!

This Thanksgiving, Will You Have Room for Dessert?

I LOVE Thanksgiving! It’s a special day when I join family and friends in a spirit of gratitude and celebration before a table overflowing with delectable and lovingly prepared dishes!

I also look forward to the opportunity to put aside my usual regimen of healthy eating for a day of guilt-free indulgence. I can overdo it, however, and after the main meal, I often end up feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. Worst of all, I don’t feel like I even have room for dessert! (And believe me, I LOVE desserts!)

Which Royal Maca Product is Right for You?

We get many questions from customers asking, “Which Royal Maca product is the best for me?” I’ll start the answer to this question by sharing several important points about Maca root.

Authentic Peruvian Maca

I’m always genuinely grateful when researchers release new findings about Maca (Lepidium meyenii/peruvianum), the Peruvian cruciferous vegetable known for its powerful hormone-balancing properties. Since Whole World Botanicals introduced our Royal Maca® to the U.S. market more than two decades ago, we’ve focused on raising awareness of the incredible health benefits of this potent superfood.

Researchers recently published two studies on the effectiveness and safety of Maca. We now have even more scientific proof of what we’ve always known: Maca works! I’d like to share some highlights from their findings.

Love Is in the Air with Royal Maca!

Valentine’s Day is on the way, and love is in the air! At least love is supposed to be in the air! For far too many of us, age, stress, and the environment are wreaking havoc on our hormones and preventing passion! That means there’s never been a better time to consider Maca to rev up your hormones!

Abuta: A Botanical Breakthrough for High Blood Sugar

It’s a situation that millions of us experience every year. You’re sitting with your doctor, reviewing the results of your annual bloodwork, when the doctor looks at you with concern and says, “Hmmm, your blood sugar levels look a bit high. You need to cut way back on the sugar.”

Americans do have high rates of sugar consumption, but it’s only part of the story. Overeating in general – and in particular, eating a diet high in carbohydrates – also dramatically raises blood sugar levels. And, after years of a high-calorie, high-carbohydrate diet, many of us have underlying pancreatic dysfunction and insulin resistance. As a result, we have become incredibly efficient at storing excess glucose in the bloodstream as fat – and ineffective at burning it off! The result is that almost 40% of Americans are walking around with high blood sugar and its consequences, including increased belly fat, uncontrolled weight gain, and disease-promoting inflammation. In many cases, this leads to prediabetes – a condition where fasting blood sugar levels are consistently between 100 and 120. Untreated, prediabetes often leads to type 2 diabetes, with blood sugar levels consistently above 120.