Royal Maca® Powder Concentrate
Alternative to hormone replacement therapy
“A rounded teaspoon of Royal Maca® powder at breakfast time has been for me (a modestly pensioned retired person) like a nearly bio-identical hormone replacement for about five years. It is one of several bedrocks in my supplement program, and I simply could not function at anywhere close to my present level at my income level without it. I am very grateful.”~Jacob G.,
End of hot flashes and increased energy
“I have been using Royal Maca® powder for about a week and half. I am 52 years young and menopausal. I am happy to say that thehot flashes ended in about 4 days after taking the product. I feel better, my thoughts are clearer and I’m more energized. I hadn’t felt like cleaning my house in over a month, but yesterday I went to the gym, cleaned, and baked a gingerbread cake! I feelso good. Thank you for your investment of research to bring this wonderful God given gift to us!”~Georgia L., GA
Royal Maca® Vitality-Libido-Balance
Multi-symptom relief
“Royal Maca® is a true miracle product –I can’t say enough about it –I’ve been on it for years now! It acts as a natural anti-depressant –helps with mood swings, menopausal symptoms, helped me when I used to get my “friend” every month with cramps, depression, bodyaches, etc.”~Mary Lynn S.
End of painful periods
“I am a young single woman, in the peak of health, but every month I take to my bed for the first 24 hours of my period. Since adding Royal Maca® to my diet, painful periods are a thing of the past.” ~M.B., Miami
Cycle regulating
“I have had a very good result with your Royal Maca®. My greatest problem was with my cycle not being regular and under control. I am now regular every month like clockwork. I have never been regular in my life until now. It has helped with my sleeping problems and greatly improved my alertness and focus also. Ihave had great success and have even gotten some of my family and friends to try it. All have reported vast improvements and are very happy with your product.” ~Michelle G., TX
Royal Maca® for Perimenopause
Hot flashes greatly reduced
“I had 25-30 hot flashes a day, resulting in very little sleep and complete exhaustion. On the Royal Maca® for Perimenopause, they are greatly–GREATLY—reduced, a few a day, maybe. Life saver!” ~ Wendy E., State College, PA
Help for hot flashes and night sweats
“I am 32 years old and was beginning to have severe hot flashes at night, plus night sweats. A friend of mine recommended Royal Maca®. I took one Royal Maca® capsule a day for 3 months. This mostly resolved all night sweats, although I would still get flushed at times. I have since switched to Royal Maca® for Perimenopause. Symptoms have nearly entirely vanished, except very rarely one night during my monthly cycle.” ~Rachel H.
Vaginal dryness pain and discomfort relieved
“This product has been a real lifesaver!!!! I experienced agonizing vaginal dryness for well over a year. Sex was completely out of the question. Much to my (and my husband’s) dismay, nothing seemed to work. Estrogen cream and/or hormone replacement was not an option for me (too many risks/potential side effects). After tweaking the Royal Maca® dosages a few times, I FINALLY experienced relief and have not had pain or intense discomfort for years –not one bit of discomfort. Not only has my quality of life resumed, but my menstrual cycle has been regular for the first time in my life! Royal Maca® has done wonders!” ~Dorothy H.
Royal Maca® for Menopause
Hot flashes greatly reduced
“I had 25-30 hot flashes a day, resulting in very little sleep and complete exhaustion. On the Royal Maca® for Perimenopause, they are greatly–GREATLY—reduced, a few a day, maybe. Life saver!” ~ Wendy E., State College, PA
Help for hot flashes and night sweats
“I am 32 years old and was beginning to have severe hot flashes at night, plus night sweats. A friend of mine recommended Royal Maca®. I took one Royal Maca® capsule a day for 3 months. This mostly resolved all night sweats, although I would still get flushed at times. I have since switched to Royal Maca® for Perimenopause. Symptoms have nearly entirely vanished, except very rarely one night during my monthly cycle.” ~Rachel H.
Vaginal dryness pain and discomfort relieved
“This product has been a real lifesaver!!!! I experienced agonizing vaginal dryness for well over a year. Sex was completely out of the question. Much to my (and my husband’s) dismay, nothing seemed to work. Estrogen cream and/or hormone replacement was not an option for me (too many risks/potential side effects). After tweaking the Royal Maca® dosages a few times, I FINALLY experienced relief and have not had pain or intense discomfort for years –not one bit of discomfort. Not only has my quality of life resumed, but my menstrual cycle has been regular for the first time in my life! Royal Maca® has done wonders!” ~Dorothy H.
Lasting relief from hot flashes
“Hello – the Royal Maca® is working fine for me. I am now at five capsules a day and my hot flashes rarely occur. Thanks” ~Robin L.
Royal Maca® Plus for Women with DIM
Balanced hormones
“I absolutely love Royal Maca® Plus for Women with DIM! The product really works on getting your hormones in balance and stopping the out of the ordinary unwanted hair growth. Also, I am automatically dropping off excess weight.”~Janice A., Atlanta, GA
Great experience
“I’ve been taking Royal Maca® Plus for Women with DIM for close to 4 months, and it is GREAT!” ~ Veronica
Help for hot flashes and hormone imbalance
“At 46, my periods stopped and I had huge emotional disturbances with hot flashes every hour. I had little sleep which added to my emotional issues. I tried a concoction of herbs and vitamins for menopause and hot flashes – they didn’t help. I was desperate. I went back to the doctor, who determined I was in menopause, but could not give me HRT because of my blood pressure. The first day I took Royal Maca® (6 capsules, 3x day), I had only three hot flashes that day and was down to two that night. I slept for the first time in weeks! The second day on Royal Maca®, I had ZERO hot flashes! Thank you for your research and thank you that I have a healthy option for my hormonal imbalance that really works.” ~Vonda M., MI
Help with insomnia
“For me, menopause meant not only the cessation of a monthly cycle but also the end of sleep! For five years, I had full-blown insomnia. I tried everything, but nothing worked. A friend, who is also a physician, suggested SHE™. To my surprise, I noticed a difference the very first night, taking the lowest recommended dose! For me, this product is nothing short of miraculous. I’m still playing around with the dosage but I’m close to having it figured out (two days on, one day off seems to be the ticket). I’ve noticed that my memory seems to be better, too! This product has been a lifesaver.” ~Tiela G.
PMS symptoms stopped
“I have two teenage daughters who have their menstrual cycle at the same time each month. Both had terrible PMS with horrendous mood swings. They took out their pain and discomfort on each other and the whole family. After I added SHE™ to their daily supplements, on their very next cycle all the fighting and crabbiness stopped! Everyone in our house thanks you!” ~Jolene R., NM
Hormone balance for sensitive system
“For 30 years I had irregular, heavy, and painful periods that kept me from functioning for several days each month. Nothing the doctors gave me balanced my hormones. I tried progesterone cream and all kinds of natural products – I still suffered. When I found Royal Maca®, I was ecstatic! My symptoms were finally relieved without taking all those other products. However, even though I was taking only 1-3 capsules a week, I was so sensitive that I often over-stimulated myself by taking too much. Now I take 1 capsule of SHE™ each morning and my hormones are in perfect balance. I love this product!” ~Teresa B., Santa Fe, NM
Royal Maca® for Men
Mood regulation
“My boyfriend is on the Royal Maca® for Men and I kid you not – if he were NOT on these capsules, we probably wouldn’t be dating because I can always tell when he runs out and isn’t taking them anymore because he’s a big, moody crab again and when he’s taking these, his moods are good and his depression is minor and he’s not so short-tempered.” ~Mary S., Milwaukee, WI
Balanced system
Your products work very well for me. I am a borderline type two diabetic and Royal Maca® for Men is a wonderful balance for my system.” ~Thomas P.
Increased wellbeing and improved athletic performance
“I started using Royal Maca® for Men about a year ago. I feel a great sense of wellbeing from it and I’ve cut down on my running time significantly.” ~Naturopathic Doctor, NC
Prostate Function Linked to Testosterone Levels
“The most overlooked factor contributing to the enlargement of the prostate gland is men’s falling level of testosterone and the rising level of estrogen as they age. Royal Maca® for Men helps support healthy immune levels along with exercise, proper diet, reducing stress and healthy hormone levels support healthy prostate function.”* ~Dr. Eugene Shippen, M.D., Author of The Testosterone Syndrome
Super Royal Maca® for Men with DIM
Happy sex life
“Basically, my sex life with my wife stopped 8 years ago. I just resigned myself to ‘old age.’ But my wife suggested I try Super Royal Maca® for Men and we’ve been on our second honeymoon for the past month!” ~Anonymous, Los Angeles, CA
Royal Maca® Bone and Hormone Support
Multi-symptom relief
“Royal Maca® has helped me greatly. I was experiencing weight gain, frequent and horrible hot flashes, night sweats, and my whole body was experiencing a vibrating sensation at night. All of these symptoms are 99% gone since taking Royal Maca®. I have been taking it for almost 3 years. Thank you for your product!” ~Joy S., Maxwell, TX
Healthy gums and teeth
“A daily regimen including rinsing with Royal Dragon’s Blood™, probiotics, oil pulling, Royal Camu®, Royal Maca® Bone and Hormone Support, and a high protein diet helped save my gums and teeth from dental surgery to remove my entire upper palate. When I went in for the extractions four weeks later, my dentist told me he had never seen such fast and total recovery. Not only was the infection gone, but the bone and gums had regenerated. Three years after my surgery was scheduled, I still have my teeth.” ~Ahdona H.
Improved bone density
“Being a professor, I get far too little exercise and don’t spend much time outdoors, so my doctor was astounded to discover that my bone scan showed excellent bone density. I attribute this great outcome to Royal Maca® Bone and Hormone Support, which I had been taking for almost a year before I got the bone scan.” ~Jackie D., Brooklyn, NY