Blog Botánico

This Thanksgiving, Will You Have Room for Dessert?

Este Día de Acción de Gracias, ¿tendrás espacio para el postre?

I LOVE Thanksgiving! It’s a special day when I join family and friends in a spirit of gratitude and celebration before a table overflowing with delectable and lovingly prepared dishes!

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Looking Back on 25 Years

Mirando atrás a 25 años

Almost three decades ago, while studying indigenous botanicals in Peru, I first learned about Maca, and experienced its powerful benefits firsthand. I was so impressed with this botanical's incredible properties that I made it my mission to bring high-quality, properly prepared Maca to the U.S. market.

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Build Better Bones with Botanicals!

¡Construya mejores huesos con productos botánicos!

Cuando era más joven, no me preocupaba por mis huesos. Como muchas personas preocupadas por su salud, pensé que era suficiente comer alimentos ricos en nutrientes y tomar suplementos de alta calidad. La mayoría de nosotros no nos damos cuenta de cuánto depende nuestra vitalidad y movilidad en el futuro de la salud ósea... ¡hasta que comenzamos a perder varios centímetros de altura o nos rompemos una cadera o una muñeca, claro está!

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Indigenous People’s Day: A Tribute to the Shinnecock Nation

Día de los Pueblos Indígenas: un tributo a la nación Shinnecock

At Whole World Botanicals, we frequently share information about the Indigenous people of Peru, who grow, collect, and harvest our botanicals. To commemorate Indigenous People’s Day this year, we wanted to pay tribute to an Indigenous community close to home: the Shinnecock people, one of our Native American neighbors here in New York. The Shinnecock Nation is a federally recognized tribe of Native Americans based at the eastern end of Long Island, where they have resided for approximately 13,000 years.

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The Good News About Maca!

¡Las buenas noticias sobre la maca!

I’m always genuinely grateful when researchers release new findings about Maca (Lepidium meyenii/peruvianum), the Peruvian cruciferous vegetable known for its powerful hormone-balancing properties. Since Whole World Botanicals introduced our Royal Maca® to the U.S. market more than two decades ago, we’ve focused on raising awareness of the incredible health benefits of this potent superfood.

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Which Royal Maca Product is Right for You?

¿Qué producto Royal Maca es el adecuado para usted?

We get a lot of questions from customers asking, “Which Royal Maca product is the best for me?” I’ll start the answer to this question by sharing several important points about Maca root.

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Breathe Easy this Spring with Botanical Allergy Support

Breathe Easy this Spring with Botanical Allergy Support

Spring has sprung, and the flowers, trees, and grasses are all in glorious full bloom. Unfortunately, something else is also in full bloom: spring allergies!

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How to Reduce Your Risk for Breast and Prostate Cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk for Breast and Prostate Cancer

There’s a time of life when many men and women begin to experience unwelcome changes in hormonal health. Women notice worsening PMS, painful periods, hot flashes, or painful intercourse. Men face less frequent and shorter erections and loss of energy. This time of life is also when we become increasingly aware of the risks of a hormone-related cancer diagnosis. 

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The Power of WWB’s Peruvian Botanical Extracts

The Power of WWB’s Peruvian Botanical Extracts

For thousands of years, people across the globe have distilled the healing properties of botanical plants into concentrated tinctures by slowly simmering them in water. I call these extracts “liquid gold,” as they offer a fast-acting, highly effective, and easy way to enjoy the extraordinary health benefits and symptom relief of our rainforest botanicals.

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Cat’s Claw and Brain Performance

Cat’s Claw and Brain Performance

Did you know that your microbiome is also home to what’s sometimes called your “second brain,” or more formally, the enteric nervous system, or ENS? Your ENS is a mesh-like system of more than 500 million neurons – nerve cells – that line the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the rectum. Like the brain, the ENS produces and uses neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that affect our mood and behavior.

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Cat’s Claw and Cardiovascular Health & Inflammation

Cat’s Claw and Cardiovascular Health & Inflammation

In the U.S., heart disease is the leading cause of death, and a major cause of disability in millions of Americans. Again, Cat’s Claw shines! In various studies, Cat’s Claw has been shown to help reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke, reduce blood pressure, and improve circulation.

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Cat’s Claw and Immune Health

Cat’s Claw and Immune Health

The microbiome – the combination of bacteria, fungi, and viruses living in our gut and intestines – is not just about gut health. About 70 percent of our immune response takes place in the microbiome. There, Cat’s Claw’s unique combination of alkaloids and antioxidants enhance the microbiome’s ability to fight harmful pathogens that cause discomfort and prevent optimal digestion, as well as infections.

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