2016 WWB New Year's Card
Viana Muller, Ph.D.To our Beloved Whole World Botanicals Customers,
The founders of Whole World Botanicals returned so late in December from our working trip to Peru that our schedule for sending out our annual Holiday/New Year's Card was completely thrown off! In these chaotic days of accelerated climate change, we wish you a healthy, purposeful, joyous and peaceful New Year! We live in times demanding the full force of our spirit to embrace and transform. Fortunately, we also continue to live in our dailyness, in our place and person-specific circle of meaning, challenge and contentment.
From the beginning, Whole World Botanicals was conceived as a for-profit company with social goals. The mission in Peru—to contribute to the well-being of our suppliers—the growers and collectors of the botanicals which we offer in the marketplace—has always been viewed by all of us as essential to our business model.
Our New Year’s photo this year is a celebration of the opening of a new phase of our Social Mission, capturing the moment on December 1, 2015, when Viana Muller, co-founder of Whole World Botanicals, meets some of the young mothers from La Comunidad Nativa de Santa Maria. In the absence of sufficient rain water, these mothers are forced to give dirty river water to their children to drink. Whole World Botanicals, in collaboration with the non-profit Water with Blessings, is making available state of the art water filters free of charge to mothers who choose to become Water Women. These Water Women take on the responsibility of providing pure drinking water, not only for their own family, but for three other families in their community.
We first met Santa Maria seven years ago when we asked our Camu-Camu powder processor to take us to a river community which gets cash income by picking the wild Camu-Camu berries which grow on the riverbanks. Santa Maria supplies WWB with the fresh Camu-Camu berries which grow wild along the riverbank of this tiny community.
To see photos of our visit to Santa Maria and to learn more about the introduction of our Water with Blessings project to this community, click anywhere on this e-card to go to the Social Mission section of our website.
With Warm Good Wishes,
Whole World Botanicals' Founders & Staff