A Company With an Active Social Mission

Whole World Botanicals is unique because we have cultivated personal relationships with our herbal growers and collectors and carry out an active social mission with them. Our continued efforts include the following:

  • For over 20 years Whole World Botanicals has helped eliminate extreme poverty in the most disparaged Peruvian communities.
  • Distributed 1000 notebooks and 2000 pencils to children in the settlements along the Curaray River.
  • Initiated a pilot Solar Energy Project with Maca-growing communities to implement solar cookers and provide workshops on building solar space to heat their homes
  • Whole World Botanicals is currently partnering with Water with Blessings to help Camu-Camu collectors secure clean water for their families.

Dr. Viana Muller, co-founder of Whole World Botanicals, talks about the village of Santa Maria in Peru, where families collect the camu-camu berries that go into her company’s Royal Camu products.

Learn about Whole World Botanicals’ dedicated social mission to help the members of Indigenous Peruvian communities who grow and collect our botanicals.

Our Social Missions

Puerto Rico Water Filter Project

We have all seen the aftermath of destruction caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico on every news channel across America...

WWB Helps Peruvian Flood Victims

Peru is having torrential rains and widespread flooding this year. People have died from avalanche or drowning, 115,000+ homes have been destroyed, and many families are living in tent cities...

December 2015 Trip to Santa Maria

Highlights from our December 2015 Trip to Santa Maria...

WWB Gives an Appreciated Gift of Notebooks and Pencils

In 2004, WWB distributed 1000 notebooks and 2000 pencils to the settlements along the Curaray River for the children to use in school...

2016 WWB New Year’s Card

The founders of Whole World Botanicals wish you a healthy, purposeful, joyous and peaceful New Year!

Curaray River Villagers Create Clean Water

Water With Blessings works to equip, empower and entrust MOTHERS as agents of clean water and compassion for their children and their communities...